First of all "Imperialism" is a policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies; according to dictionary. Linked to education, imperialism has significant effects both in positive and negative way. For positive way, countries or community colonized by the dominant country will be able to gather more knowledge from the immigrants. The standard quality of education system will be heightened up which will open a wider opportunity for students to study various subject branches. Students who are studying in the system will have a wider view of the world around them because information collected into the education system comes from different places that might have different perspective or cognition. Different perspective or cognition means that when they meet the same dispute or arguement, more knowledge will be created since everyone has different interpretation and imagination. One of the best thing of being colonized is that people tend to use the same language which is easier to communicate and exchange personal ideas. Coming back to education system, the graduated students will provide good quality services or works into the community which will, eventually, increase life-quality, income, or health. Furthermore essential services will be provided in the community since people have enough knowledge and satisfactory profession, such as doctor, lawyer, or teacher, in order to produce needed service. Community , especially with lower quality life, will benefit from being colonized because immigrants will bring knowledge in order to teach native the way of using their resources efficiently creating higher income-rate and increasing quality of life. However, being colonized means using new language or, moreover, losing dialect which will lead to the loss of indigenous knowledge. Since every place has their way of living which includes the use of herbs, tools, or machine. Gathering new education system or knowledge from immigrant means that native will have to abandon uniques techniques, language, or cultural value. Crucially, language and cultural value might extinct eventually. Nevertheless, being colonized was a potential way of getting new knowledge and better education quality in past. Since living in modern era where social networking is spreading conprehensively, people have opportunity to learn and study through electronic device which means that being colonized is not the best way of getting high-standard education anymore.
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