Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Narrative Structure Analytical

The stream of consciousness technique is once broadly used by many authors during Victorian era. The technique allows readers to experience actual flow of thoughts and ideas in the mind of the protagonist (or characters) which the author may or may not put that thoughts into action. By alternating between techniques of stream of consciousness, the author is able to enhance the depth of character development as well as the context of the plot in a faster pace.

Mahfouz uses stream of consciousness technique to begin The Thief and The Dogs, which provides more depth of character's introduction and the generic ideas behind the character rather than using normal third person narrative style in order to lay the foundation of the context and plot. By using the techniques, it allows Mahfouz to represent  impressionistic style that portrays the intention and incentive prior action, and realistic style that shows the consequences of the character's action in reality. So Mahfouz's intention of this text was to portray the changes of middle-class people after Egyptian revolution during the 1960's. However the story does not only depict changes, but it also portrays some consequences that one's life has to pass through (treachery, lost of family members and love ones, and friendship).  

The uses of stream of consciousness have many advantages to the novel. It allows the reader to experience thoughts and ideas or may further feel like the character itself since the author gives the description prior the events by narrating through his mind. Moreover the description (the technique) allows the reader to access basic details and emotional appeal that can further make the plot and the overall meaning of the text more realistic.

For example, Mahfouz uses Indirect Interior Monologue in chapter 1 to introduce the protagonist.

"Once more he breathed the air of freedom. But there was stifling dust in the air, almost unbearable heat, and no one was waiting for him; nothing but his blue suit and gym shoes."

He lays the foundation of the protagonist that he has to be someone who did bad deed since there is no one waiting for him when he's set free after custody. The sentence "stifling dust in the air, almost unbearable heat(...)" also shows that he might be detained long enough that he is barely able (or cannot) cope with changes within the community. So this first paragraph is likely to introduce some information of the character which would be more elaborated later on.

However this writing technique also has its disadvantages. Sometimes it might make plot more complicated to follow along which can confuse the reader. Moreover by alternating between reality and the protagonist's thought, it might be difficult to receive the overall meaning of the paragraph or the text as a whole. If the technique was used for entire story, it would double the amount of pages since the author doesn't go straight to the point.  

The uses of techniques combined with his language is one reason that makes The Thief and The Dogs successful. The combination makes overall plot and the protagonist's thought more exciting and comprehensive to the meanings of the text which make it easier for the reader access those meanings.  

1 comment:

  1. About the disadvantages of the uses of the stream of consciousness, I would think that the complication of the plot should have a stronger effect on the reader, as it ties closer into the actual mind of characters and how thinking actually works.
